The Growing Popularity of MOOCs and how can you use them to your advantage

With the advent of technology in teaching, the demand for low cost and high quality education have seen a major rise. In this respect, MOOCs have had a fast and wide growing effect on students all over the country. A more clear picture on what are these, what are the reasons behind their growth and how can they be used to benefit ourselves can be found below.

What are MOOCs ?

MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. They enable students to take lectures for desired course at any place and time, as per their convenience. Students can gain access to the best educational material from the best University professionals without any hassle.

Traditional online courses were all about video lectures on certain topics. But with the passage of time they’ve grown into more diverse forms of teaching with live chats and doubt sessions. They function as discussion and interactive forums for course related topics.

What are the reasons behind the growing popularity of MOOC's ?

There are multiple reasons as to why conventional learning is being surpassed by the growing trend of Massive Online Open Courses.

  • They provide independent platform for both, Course experts and learners. Experts can smoothly transfer information, with less efforts, along with students taking advantage of such information at a very minimal cost. Sometimes, students need to pay only if they wish to get certified.
  • MOOC's don't only rely on fundamentals of teaching. Successful online courses are the ones which focus on overall development of an individual with the help of video lectures, special notes, curated study material,  exercises and quizzes, and doubt sessions.
  • The credibility and authority which these courses pose have helped them build consumer confidence. They also place a bright spot on your CV. Some courses, offered by leading universities, also provide placement opportunities to the course takers based on a written exam.
Photo by Michał Parzuchowski / Unsplash

How are MOOCs advantageous ?

Massive Open Online Courses offer several benefits, specially to the youth, who are leaving no stones un-turned in making their carrier a successful one. MOOCs have manifold advantages as

  • They provide diversity in subject choice owing to a large number of options available including helping you learn a new language
  • They help you prepare for numerous College level entrances as per your time comfort.
  • They enable you to know the college syllabus beforehand, giving a better academic advantage, and can supplement your learning
  • They are open to everyone irrespective of the background.
  • They eliminate the hindrance of distance and time in learning and are available in multiple languages.
  • They are a great asset to highlight  on your Resume

What are the leading MOOC platforms ?

Ans. The high demand for MOOCs has led to an ever increasing competition between various providers. The leading ones, based on course structure, information representation, forum interactiveness, and gamification are:

  • Coursera
  • EdX
  • Udacity
  • FutureLearn
  • NovoEd
  • Iversity
  • Canvas
  • Open2Study
  • Open Learning
  • Udemy

The tremendous increase in competition among students have made it necessary to possess some additional qualifications for outstanding the rush. MOOCs help to provide that special advantage. Choice of right course and at right time can bring unprecedented success to one's professional life.

If you have some MOOCs and want to highlight them on Resume, check out and describe your skills through its clearly defines sections.

This post was first published on Resumod Blog