5 Reasons Why you Might Not be Getting Interview Calls
There are high chances that you are not getting calls because you don't have the required skills, have a resume that is not pleasing enough or you have mentioned incorrect contact details.
An interview, primarily, is a conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee, resulting in either the recruitment or the rejection of the candidate for a given job. It is the last and most important step of the hiring process which is aimed at analyzing the candidate’s potential for the given work profile. While rejections are heart breaking, recurrent rejections might indicate of something being amiss. Rather than being dejected, it should be taken as an opportunity to improve. But some people can't even make it to interview table.
Here are some reasons why you might not be called for an interview.
1. Sloppy Resume
A resume is the description of a candidate's professional profile including skills and abilties. A good resume is well structured, has relevant job specific information and is clear and lucid for a recruiter’s read. A vaguely worded resume with a sloppy design and grammatical errors is a sure to make the recruiter move on to the next candidate.
2. Lack of Professionalism
Corporate setups want candidates who are capable of presenting themselves with proper professional etiquette. According to 75% of recruiters, a candidate's professional etiquette is directly proportional to him getting the job or consequent promotions. Following directions, providing information asked for in the job application are ways to showcase your professionalism for the job.
3. Inability to highlight relevant skills
The candidate might be possessing innumerable technical or non technical skills, but if the skills aren't relevant to the job profile, it is sure to avert the recruitment. It is crucial to analyze the job profile and to match your skills and interests with the company’s. It is important to highlight both job specfic and trasnferable skills to make an impact.
4. Inconsistent Track Record
Recruiters look for passionate employees who have the zeal to work with dedication and commitment and eventually prove to be assets to their workplace. Job hopping or unexplained employment gaps are red flags for an employer which not only indicate inconsistency but also a lack of interest in the job and can eventually be a major reason for not getting any interview calls.
5. Incorrect Contact Details
If you are not getting interview calls for a while, then it is must to check if you have mentioned them correctly. It is a common error to miss this details when you are in hurry but it can cost you a fortune. So make sure that your contact details are cleraly and correctly mentioned.
Rather than being disheartened at a given job rejection, it should be taken as a chance for redirection. Efforts should be undertaken by the candidate grab the job interview as preparation is definitely the mantra to grab interview calls.
If you thonk you are not getting calls because you don't have top class resume. Check out Resumod.in