150 Action Words for Your Resume to Get Hired in 2022
An underrated tip to have an outstanding resume this hiring season is using action words. This simple tip will make your profile exceptionally powerful.
We are entering 2023 in 4 months. And we are sure you don’t want to start the new year – jobless.
The good part- hiring season is just a couple of months away and it is time to hit your 2022 goals. So spend the days preparing yourself for the hiring season- practising interviews, upskilling yourself and getting an outstanding resume!
In this blog post you will learn:
- What are action words, and why do you need them in your resume in 2022?
- Words to avoid using in your resume
- 150 action words for your resume to get hired in 2022
- Tips to use action words in your resume in 2022
- 10 resume examples with action words on Resumod
What are Action Words, and Why Do You Need Them in Your Resume in 2022?
"Action words are words that describe the actions of a subject in a sentence. The actions can be physical actions, such as running or mental actions like thinking. Action words are sometimes called action verbs or doing words."
In your resume, action or power words help you clearly describe your past ‘actions” or “experiences” to the recruiter that led to a particular result.
Why do you need action words in your resume in 2022?
Let us start with a question: what’s the use of your rich- experiences and skills if you are not able to describe them clearly to the recruiter?
It is exactly where action words come into play.
The recruiter reads through your resume to see the results you’ve brought and what you can do now.
With the help of action words, you can replace “responsible for 13% increase in leads” with “Achieved a 13% rise in leads”
Replace “critical thinker” with “brainstormer or “strategy-analyst”
The replaced phrases create more impact compared to the same old words.
As the name suggests they make your resume action-oriented. They
- Reassure how you have taken certain “actions” to achieve great results
- Reflect your “action taker” personality who is practical and result-oriented, bringing outputs to the table
- Helps you emphasize your achievements better
Words to Avoid Using in Your Resume
“Responsible for….”
“Team Player….”
“Critical Thinker…”
Do these words sound familiar to you?
Probably yes!
Because everyone has been using those for ages.
They are overused, common, and boring, making your resume spiritless. Recruiters get over 100’s of resumes with these same words. If you keep using them, you will end up being among those 100s of rejected profiles,
It's 2022, you need to be creative and stand out among others.
150 Action Words for Your Resume to Get Hired in 2022
- Aligned
- Cultivated
- Directed
- Enabled
- Facilitated
- Fostered
- Guided
- Hired
- Inspired
- Mentored
- Mobilized
- Motivated
- Recruited
- Regulated
- Shaped
- Supervised
- Taught
- Trained
- Unified
- United
- Advocated
- Authored
- Clarified
- Composed
- Consulted
- Conveyed
- Convinced
- Corresponded
- Defined
- Explained
- Fielded
- Illustrated
- Influenced
- Informed
- Mediated
- Moderated
- Negotiated
- Persuaded
- Publicized
- Created
- Delivered
- Enacted
- Expanded
- Expedited
- Generated
- Improved
- Lifted
- Managed
- Maximized
- Produced
- Accelerated
- Accomplished
- Advanced
- Boosted
- Completed
- Stimulated
- Launched
- Converted
- Customized
- Grew
- Integrate
- Overhauled
- Raised
- Redesigned
- Refined
- Reorganized
- Restructured
- Revamped
- Saved
- Slashed
- Streamlined
- Strengthened
- Updated
- Remodelled
- Authorized
- Operated
- Chaired
- Fostered
- Orchestrated
- Controlled
- Guided
- Headed
- Programmed
- Delegated
- Inspired
- Spearheaded
- Directed
- Mentored
- Supervised
- Trained
- Amplified
- Boosted
- Capitalized
- Enhanced
- Expanded
- Generated
- Maximized
- Outpaced
- Stimulated
- Forecasted
- Gathered
- Identified
- Interpreted
- Qualified
- Tracked
- Analyzed
- Assessed
- Audited
- Calculated
- Checked
- Discovered
- Examined
- Identified
- Inspected
- Investigated
- Measured
- Probed
- Proved
- Quantified
- Studied
- Surveyed
- Tested
- Tracked
- Eased
- Elevated
- Corrected
- Deciphered
- Fixed
- Streamlined
- Reformed
- Rectified
- Lightened
- Strengthened
- Resolved
- Overhauled
- Pioneered
- Assessed
- Audited
- Calculated
- Checked
- Discovered
- Examined
- Explored
- Identified
- Inspected
- Probed
- Proved
- Quantified
- Studied
- Tested
- Tracked
- Formulated
- Pursued
- Compiled
- Assimilated
- Coalesced
- Collaborated
- Contributed
- Diversified
- Embraced
- Encouraged
- Energized
- Blended
- Ignited
- Merged
- Harmonized
- Partnered
- Clarified
- Fielded
- Guided
- Intervened
- Referred
- Resolved
- Supported
- Aided
- Assisted
- Volunteered
- Audited
- Budgeted
- Converted
- Crafted
- Documented
- Estimated
- Programed
- Projected
- Recorded
- Verified
- Detected
- Searched
- Studied
- Mapped
- Probed
- Promoted
- Restored
- Revived
- Handled
- Deployed
- Employed
- Adopted
- Applied
- Originated
Tips to Use Action Words in Your Resume in 2022
Be Specific
Each action word has its uniqueness and portrays a particular trait. That’s why we gave you 150 words list. With so many choices, you can choose that “one specific” active word to level up the impact of the sentence.
Here's an example:
Good: “Organized team’s workflow that enhanced the user experience with 12% rise in positive feedback within 2 weeks”
Better: “Spearheaded team’s workflow that enhanced the user experience with 12% rise in positive feedback within 2 weeks”
How many action words to use in a sentence?
You can use two or three action words together to write compelling and effective sentences.Examples: Conceptualized and spearheaded team’s workflow that enhanced the user experience with 12% rise in positive feedbacks within 2 weeks.
Couldn’t find a word that fits your requirement? Use online websites like thesaurus.com that search for more action words that fit your experiences and skills perfectly.
Always Use Active Voice
Your resume needs to be concise and to the point to save the recruiter’s time. Active voice lets you create direct sentences that inherit authority and a clear purpose. In short, you can form short, specific, and compelling sentences.
For example:
- Passive Voice: “User retention was increased by 76%”
- Active Voice: “Increased user retention by 76%”
Use Actions Words to Quantify
Want to go one more step further?
Use actual figures along with action verbs whenever possible.
Example: Achieved ground-breaking results” can be switched with “Achieved a total 47% rise in sales” to sound more substantial.
These numerals reflect you as practical and result-oriented to the recruiter, while the action word amplifies the overall impact of the sentence. In fact, these figures often become a point of discussion during interview rounds.
Write in Bullet Points
Use action words as the first word of the sentence in bullet points, to utilize their full potential.
For Example:
- “Lead a team of over….”
- “Convinced potent clients….”
- “Analyzed competitor’s business plan strategy…”
It helps you look organized, and create easy-to-read sentences that stand out. Thus, enriching the overall reader’s experience.
Use Action words in the Experience section
This is the best section where action words provide you with the most value. You can use action words based on the particular experiences you acquire.
“Worked with many clients all over the globe”
“Collaborated with multiple international clients”
10 Resume Examples with Action Words on Resumod
Resume of Alumni Officer

Check full resume of Alumni Officer in text format here
Resume of Transportation Specilaist

Check full resume of Transportation Specialist in text format here
Resume of Legal Writer

Check full resume of legal writer in text format here
Resume of Biomedical Engineer

Check full resume of biomedical engineer in text format here
Resume of Marketing & Communications Manager

Check full resume of Marketing & Communications Manager in text format here
Resume of Computer Science Engineer

Check full resume of computer science engineer in text format here
Resume of Retail Manager

Check full resume of retail manager in text format here
Resume of HR Generalist

Check full resume of HR generalist in text format here
Resume of Homeopathic Doctor

Check full resume of homeopathic doctor in text format here
Resume of School Principal

Check full resume of school principal in text format here
Key takeaways
You now know the impact of power words and how they attract the attention of a recruiter. There are many other resume writing techniques that you can use to land your dream job. If you want to build an ultimate resume, click here to visit our resume-writing services page.