Arts or Social Science Student? Employers value your skills too!
People from fields like history, psychology, sociology and related streams often fear not getting jobs at all or getting the ones that barely pay anything. However, if utilized effectively, students from these streams can find the right career from themselves.
Arts and Social Science students are not strangers to dreadful warnings about the restricted scope of their field in the job market. Many people tend to show cynicism about the future of those pursuing arts majors. “What will you do with this degree?”, is the question that is often asked to every arts student. However, arts students possess skills that are in demand for a variety of sectors, and are able to bag high paying jobs. In a survey, it was found that 84% of social science students graduates were employed, in comparison to 78% graduates of science and mathematics background.
Here are the skills these individuals have that are of great importance to the employers:
Communication and Collaboration
Arts and social science students are able to communicate in a way suitable to different kinds of audiences. Because of their sensitivity to the cultural context, they are great in listening and recognising different viewpoints and explaining the same in a very descriptive manner to a copmpltely diffrent audience. They are capable of putting forth an effective argument supported by concrete evidences and are great motivational leaders.
Research and Analysis
Humanities grads are able to design a well-built research question and determine the proof needed to answer it. With impressive analytical skills, they are able to manipulate information and make use of technology wherever needed. These students are innovative in their way of solving a problem and generating effective results. They take into account different perspectives before coming to a conclusion.
Adaptability and Creativity
Students of arts and social science are always willing to try different approaches and are open to new ideas. They are more flexible to change. When it comes to learning and development, they show a great level of dedication and commitment. The employees who are creative in their ways of working are more likely to get promoted. Individuals from this background adapt to a variety of jobs throughout their career.
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
Applying knowledge to find solutions in an inventive way, is just the way how the minds of Arts students work. They are energetic problem-solvers who utilise resources effectively. They are good at assessing risks due to ethical issues, hence show effective leadership qualities. They always tackle new problems and tasks with a clear mind.
Independent Attitude and Behaviour
People with an artistic mind are self-governing and always motivate themselves to work harder. They confidently express their view, even if it is not in agreement with others. They do not depend on others for their tasks and find solutions on their own. Most of the global leaders come from this field of study.
If someone is well-equipped with all the technicalities but doesn’t acquire these skills, they are less likely to reach big milestones in their career. Employers look for individuals who is not only good at the job, but also able to manage the job well, in collaboration with others and able to depict innovation in the workplace. A degree in Arts or Social Science surely paves the way for a brighter future. If you have these skills but not a resume that depectics all of these, check out