Things to do before you search for jobs during the pandemic.
Here are our Top 3 suggestions to do before you begin your search for jobs during/post this pandemic.
The pandemic affected all of us in some shape or form. Some lost their loved ones to this horrible disease and some lost their precious jobs which were their only source of income. However, now that nations are finally fighting back and suppressing the spread of this disastrous disease through vaccination drives and unity, economic growth is taking a positive turn and companies are increasing their business functions and powering all thrusters, however, for employees, searching for jobs to get your careers right on track would never be the same again. considering the increased levels of unemployment, competition for any particular job has doubled through this new normal which would mean that one must showcase a unique edge on their application to catch the recruiter’s eye.
Here are our Top 3 suggestions to do before you begin your search for jobs during/post this pandemic.
1. Networking
Networking through social media, preferably LinkedIn creates a massive difference in your profile. Networking enables you to connect and share knowledge with individuals, well renowned in their field of expertise. This not only benefits you as a person to gain more knowledge but also when a recruiter does a background check on you after your application, they will notice the people you are connected with on such platforms. This creates a sense of professionalism and confidence in the recruiter which would allow you to be in his/her top list of potential candidates
2. Shortlist and gather back-information about the companies you applied to
often individuals, when they look for jobs profoundly, they tend to apply to all kinds of jobs, without thoroughly going through the job description and ‘expectations from the candidates’ section. This could mean that there’s a high chance that the candidate does not meet the basic requirements of the job and this is often demotivating. Instead, what you should do is go through the job description for all the jobs you wish to apply for and make sure you meet all of the requirements. Make a list and shortlist the top companies and jobs that not only fit your profile but also fulfil the majority of your expectations, if not all. After you do that, apply for the job, given that pass the basic selection round, make certain that you sit for the interview knowing the whole background of the company. including its controversies, problems according to strategists. Knowing such insights would allow you to highlight how you can be the one person who can drive the company towards solving that problem or aid in reaching that focal point
3. Boost your skills, especially communication and self-reflection
Given that this pandemic has gifted so many of us with ample free time, many recruiters would like to see how productively have you implemented your time for your self-growth and further honing your skills. thus, be sure to portray any courses or expertise that you have done/gained during the lockdown. Other than that, working on communication and self-reflection that you can implement during your rounds of interview, which will not only allow you to explain and communicate all that you want your recruiter to know but would also convey to the recruiter how you are self-aware of your negatives and your plus-points. This creates a very positive effect on the interviewer (recruiter)
Keeping these points in mind while searching for jobs in recent times would boost your chances of getting selected for your desired job however, you may still fall short if you do not formulate your resume properly. Your resume is the first form of communication that you establish with the recruiter and be assured that in the corporate world, your first impression is your last impression. Therefore, save time and use Resumod’s attractive plans and programs, that would could really take your resume/CV to the next level and definitely catch the recruiter’s focus right away.