5 Things to note to make a strong LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn has become a crucial networking resource in today's times and it is important to have a strong network to find the right job.
How to get most out of LinkedIn? It’s important to make your profile as comprehensive and compelling as possible. You use it to connect with people around, and its how recruiters find you when they are searching a suitable candidate because your profile includes the details on your job qualifications, employment and education history, relevant skills and experience.
An updated LinkedIn profile can enhance the visibility among millions and help in building a professional brand. Here are five things you should consider to improving your LinkedIn profile:
1. Keep your basics up to date
Whether you are new member on LinkedIn, a job seeker or just exploring networking opportunities, updating your headline is important as it entices people to click. Headlines are primary; one can also prefer compounded headlines. One may highlight their current position. Updating areas such as location and industry help in finding people ease to connect. Try and and content wherever possible including across volunteering, languages, honor and awards, patents, causes you care about sections.
2. Make a strong and comprehensive summary
The summary must represent your headline, your specialties, key areas, leadership and your other strong points. Prefer short paragraphs with easy digestible words. You may not involve too many technical jargon as people outside your industry might not be familiar with them. You can effectively use the option to upload media on your resume by updating your project/ work portfolio or simply your Resume if you are looking for a job.
3.Build a strong connection list
Getting to know new people is the point of networking. You do not know who will one day help you getting you a job. So, networking has a paramount importance. As an easy and effective approach to build connections, you can create your own personalized connection request to each of the potential connection tell them why you want to connect with them. With connections, you may get endorsements, which help in showcasing your expertise in the skills you already possess. Do not lie about any skill, they should be preferably omitted or deleted.
4. Adding your professional photos
Profiles with photo generate more searches and views. Present yourself as you would do for your clients, board members and in meetings. You can also brand your photo with the background photo. You may use keywords in the caption, which can attract the targeted audience as you may not know the opportunity is just knocking your door.
5. Ask for recommendation
The best way to get recommendations is to give them. Giving others recommendation inspires them to give you and people love being recommended. So, pick specific people, don’t just randomly ask all your contacts. One can share the details to others on how to recommend them based on their skills or job experience etc.
A robust profile sets a benchmark, it increases the number of view and presents you as a well qualified professional. Building up a LinkedIn profile is as important as preparing a resume. The uniqueness in both can provide an edge in the market.
While standing in a cue of around millions of people and wanted to take your career to the next level some improvements are better needed.